Call me a sinic but...Big Z is a Baby!
Big Z is a baby.
Am i the only one who saw today's performance coming? The cubs need to sign this head-case before he lays another egg. To put it bluntly, Z sucked today because of his contract negotiations. Having extended the deadline with hopes of a quick settlement, Z went into today's game trying win himself some more money. In trying to make one last "impression" on the cubs brass, he pushed, over-worked and flat out sucked out there today.
Not to say that if he had been signed it would have been any better, or even if they hadn't extended the deadline. Z shouldn't be the opening day starter because he's too emtional and too immature with his whole approach.
He abandoned all thoughts of giving up fewer walks as soon as he got on that mound and tried to earn himself another. 5 million
The cubs better sign him soon, before he "throws" another game.
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