Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Or wordless, not sure what you call not being able to type, but whatever. Well today's loss was just another symptom of a poorly managed, poorly coached and unprepared team. Everybody has pretty much already said all there is to be said about it. The lineup sucking, the stupid Barrett play, dusty's unwillingness to play youngsters..... etc. So I thought I'd look at it from a different point of view.

I watched today's game with my "SUX" Jersey on, purchased after Prior beat Pitt after the break. My Mom said, "You know you'll root for them if they get to the series". Of course I shrugged her off but lately its become quite apparent that this hatred of the Sux possessed by all Cub Fans is more irrational than ever before, and almost rooted out of jealousy. I'm not jealous that they are winning and we're not, though if they win the series after the Red Sox last year, I'm quite sure I'll move to Mongolia and become a monk. But dammit, they play good baseball. How frustrating is it that in the two years since BartGate, the SUX have gone from being the Twin's whipping boy to the best team in baseball. They run the bases well, play great defense, know how to bunt and have a manager who will actually get after his players.
Somehow, the Southsiders figured otu how to win faster than Dusty can figure out what OBP means.

I'm not sure what the point of the above paragraph was other than to say that, the Cub fan's pain this year is made even more wickedby the success of the Sox. They were put together better, they are managed better, and they play better ball.
Too bad Sox fans are too stupid to realize what a treat they have......(hehe, you knew that was coming)


At 6:05 AM, Blogger Tom said...

Yeah, I feel your pain.
The two best teams in baseball (and by that I mean playing the best, with strong fundamentals, good baserunning, smart play . . . not to mention the best records (think there's a correlation?) are the White Sox and the Cardinals.
To paraphrase Airplane, "Looks like I picked a bad year to become a Cubs fan."


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