Sunday, August 14, 2005

In Need of Neifi

Okay, the Cubs won today, and I'm convinced it was entirely out of spite. Nice to see Nomar getting his groove back though he did almost throw the game away. Is anyone else wondering where Neifi has been lately. Had macias not come through with the two RBI hit, I know I'd be screaming for Neifi, but even Hollandsworth's PH didn't make much sense when you have a guy on the bench who can switch hit. Am I mistaken in thinking that Neifi could also have played LF for those two outs? I'm just wondering, anyone else have any ideas.

So now the Mighty Cubs are only 6 out of the Wild Card and with a Sweep or Win in Houston could definitely considered back "In It". (Poor Matt Murton, someone should really poke him with a stick periodically so that the bench doesn't permantly sag where he sits).

Here's to hoping that the Cubs just light up the Juice Box. That's always fun.


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