Friday, July 15, 2005

They're Back

So after taking some much needed rest and swinging by Wrigley for thursdays efficient Put-Away by prior, I'm back with some thoughts. How long will this win streak last, and most importantly, when it ends, how long will the ensuing losing streak last. This team has the talent to never lose (except against the cardinals) but this Jekyl and Hyde offense is about as frustrating as anything. My only hope is that the difference between this winning streak is that the 1-2 hitters are producing and they're getting on for the big boppers. or to put it another way, the difference is that KKK Pat is no longer with the team so they're no longer over-swinging to over compensate. Plus, I love the bottom of the order. perez is like a leadoff hitter "lite" and gets things going so the lineup can turn itself over. So here's to a hopefull sweep of the Bucos! and bring on the Red Birds


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