Sunday, June 05, 2005

Get off of Neifii

I just put this as a comment to someone who truly doens't know a good thing when he sees it and seems to just be a reactionary cubs fan, but I wanted to share it with the rest of you.

At some point, people are going to have to stop using Neifi as their BlogoShpere whipping boy and thank their lucky stars that we have him.

Stop hating on players just because they weren't that good in Kansas City. Last time I checked, lots of players sucked in Kansas City, because Kansas City sucks. I'm just sick of people hating on people who clearly are helping the team. Worry about next year next year, for now, just be happy he's here. He seems to be the only Vocal Leader out there. Let him do his job. ohhh, and as i type, he just got his Thrid hit of the game.

And lastly, next year,God willing. Nomar will back and starting and neifi can be another super sub.

If I were all of you getting on neifi's case, I'd be much more worried about a centerfielder who couldn't hit a curveball if it were on a T. (yes I know curve balls can't be on tee's but you know what I mean).


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