Saturday, June 11, 2005

F**k Fox Part II

So, I live on the West coast, so I guess its my fault, but seriously, The A's vs. the Braves. Fox needs to understand that the Sox and Cubs have probably 2 of the 3 biggest followings in baseball. They need to make this a national game. Especially since it hasn't happened in 86 yrs.

So I'm stuck watching the thing on MLB gameday. Are Wellemeyer's pitches really as bad as those dots make it look?

I also heard during the First of Fox's Game Breaks that there is something wrong with Carlos' leg. Please tell me this isn't due to dusty letting him bat and getting a single. They could have used a pinch-hit there, rather than have their struggling Ace trying to be a hero at the plate.

I'm gonna go back to watching Dots on the computer screen and hop that this snore of a game on Fox will end soon. Course, they'll probably switch to the Yanks-Cards knowing my luck.


At 4:15 PM, Blogger John said...

Don't feel bad. It wouldn't have made a difference if you were here in Illinois. Fox 55 in Springfield had the cards/yankees on. I think you have to live in Chicago to see Cubs games. At least I had the radio, which is very good all by itself, considering it was Pat and Ron with the call as always.



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